Solving ocean crises by unifying and empowering global communities!sm

The Transition Newsletter

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Please signup for The Transition newsletter to receive our monthly report on the people and progress in solving the ocean plastic crisis.

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2025 Issues

The Transition, February 2025, Tariffs on aluminum prompt Coke to use more PET, Deposit return systems have the most impact in increasing aluminum recycling rates

The Transition, January 2025, Back to Blue shows plastic pollution increasing without bold action

2024 Issues

The Transition, December 2024, International Plastic Treaty - It's not over until its over, Understanding “mass balance” and what it means for recycling

The Transition, November 2024, With INC-5 nearly here, read OpenOceans’ plastic treaty update, Where plastic is produced, plastic pellet pollution spots

The Transition, October 2024, Study shows human health is seriously harmed by plastics, IMDOS developing a marine debris/litter monitoring system, CSIRO Network helping Asian countries with plastic waste

The Transition, September 2024, Source and fate of plastic pollution detailed in new study, United Nations to form new science policy panel, U.S. Plastics Pact releases reports to advance the circular economy and address problematic materials

The Transition, August 2024, Report identifies plastic hot spots in aquatic environments, Drifters trace the path of plastic from the Netherlands to Denmark, U.S. releases a plastic pollution strategy, Marine Debris Coordinating Committee releases microfiber pollution report

The Transition, July 2024, Fiji is an example of the real story of global plastic pollution, Can paper products be a substitute for plastic?

The Transition, June 2024. Plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles: which is best? The Philippines makes strides in addressing plastic pollution

The Transition, May 2024, An assessment of the status of the international plastic treaty negotiations

The Transition, April 2024, Plastic treaty talks / The majority of plastics can't be recycled; existing U.S. regulations can stem the flow of plastic

The Transition, March 2024, Climate impacts of plastic, state of science on plastic chemicals, what Americans think about plastic waste

The Transition, February 2024, New Report Provides Global Criteria to Address Problematic, Unnecessary, and Avoidable Plastic Products

The Transition, January 2024, Can aluminum cans replace plastic bottles?

2023 Issues

The Transition, December 2023, 2023 Year in Review: Addressing Plastic Pollution

The Transition, November 2023, Plastic Treaty Update: Negotiations devolve into either/or narratives

The Transition, October 2023, Plastic Recycling and Wish-Cycling: Myths and Facts

The Transition, September 2023, Chemicals and Polymers of Concern – a Plastic Treaty Priority

The Transition, August 2023, UN plastic treaty proposed core objectives categorized

The Transition, July 2023, Infrastructure use of plastic waste is promising but challenging

The Transition, June 2023, UN Plastic Treaty Negotiations - Three Key Conflicts Emerge

The Transition, May 2023, UN Plastic Treaty negotiations convene May 29 – June 2; what you need to know

The Transition, April 2023, Progress on ocean plastic is slow, but some solutions are gaining ground

The Transition, March 2023, Plastic water bottles and safe drinking water - a dilemma and an opportunity

The Transition, February 2023, Corporate Plastic Pollution Scorecard provides an in-depth review of the plastic packaging practices

The Transition, January 2023, U.S. plastic recycling is astonishingly inconsistent, showing opportunity for improvement

2022 Issues

The Transition, December 2022, Year in Review: Progress and positive actions accomplished around the globe in 2022

The Transition, November 2022, OECD projects plastic use, waste, findings, and policies to 2060

The Transition, October 2022, Plastic isn’t just scarring marine ecosystems - it's also contributing to climate change

The Transition, September 2022, The Value of International Cleanups

The Transition, August 2022, A plastic guide for restaurants, industry proactivity, and stalled legislation

The Transition, Special Edition, July 2022, OpenOceans Global launches app to map plastic-fouled beaches

The Transition, June 2022, World unlikely to see a reduction in plastic use and waste

The Transition, May 2022, How the Arctic Ocean Becomes Polluted with Plastic

The Transition, April 2022, Plastic and the promise of a magical place called "away"

The Transition, March 2022, UN plastic agreement takes a step forward in Nairobi

The Transition, February 2022, Nations to Begin Formalizing Global Plastics Treaty

The Transition, January 2022, UN Releases New Report on Improving its Marine Litter Activities

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